May 07, 2008


As a stay at home Mom, I have been lucky to have experienced many memorable moments.
We lived in many a home in different settings.
At my Mumbai home, the feeling was one of claustrophobia. It was a 1 bedroom apartment. To a girl brought up in a spacious home in a quiet Bangalore suburb of Jayanagar, Bombay was itself a culture shock. Apartments were unknown to me and the house on the 4th floor epitomised everything that I had heard Bombay(sorry..Mumbai) stood for. But I found the space that I missed. It was on the terrace of the building. After my work in the morning I would sun myself there. I enjoyed the moments as I looked out to see the grazing fields of the diary farm(Aarey milk colony) adjoining our residential complex. I had never before seen such large black buffaloes. The proximity to these bovine animals had a drawback; abundance of giant mosquitoes. We were saved from them by the light of day. I could even see the small hills surrounding this city on one side.
There was a small lane that would turn into our colony from the Western Express Highway. A few minutes down the lane and we would feel it become cooler and of course it was calm. Today, I know that this lane is no more and there is a four lane road passing through the same area. Maybe the view too has changed for anybone who has the time to go out onto the terrace like me !

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