May 16, 2010

Another weather report

Hear I go again. Talking about the weather. Well since it is the most easiest to write on, to deabate, to quarrel over...  . I AM turning into a weather reporter from Doha ;-)

Today morning started off with the 'beginnings of Summer' kind of weather which is going on for 10 days or so. Here in the desert, summer beginning means 30 deg inside the house sans AC. Outside it is 39 deg but feels 39 + 3or4 because of the added humidity. India this year, has been hitting the highs of the temperature chart and breaking records in the process. Relatively, spring has spread her umbrella longer than usual protecting against the harshness of the coming season.

Coming to the surprising element, there has been rain for 51/2 months here. Well ,(There are no wells here, dug ones) there is obviously no monsoon in Doha. It has surprised everyone here that it is raining a few days every month since december. There are clouds in the sky for days together. Sometimes I had this nostalgic feeling of being in Bangalore with these sudden showers, cool breeze and generally cloudy sky.

Today's thunder, lightening and the sudden darkness with the sharp showers again cleaned the fine desert dust on my windows. What is happening ? These days most of the answers are in two words whether people understand it or not. Global Warming. In Qatar though, it is not warming for sure. It is raining !

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